Wisconsin stations: WI county (see list on other side) Non-Wisconsin stations: Your State, Province or Country
All amateur bands and modes not prohibited for contesting may be used. No Repeater QSO's. Suggested frequencies
CW: 1.820, 3.550, 7.050, 14.050, 21.050, 28.050 Phone: 1.870, 3.860, 7.230, 14.260, 21.350, 28.400
Power Levels:
QRP (less than 5 watts) Low (5 to 150 watts) High (over 150W)
Single-Op, Multi-Op, Fixed, Mobile, Multi-Multi, Rookie
CW, Phone (Digital counts as CW; no FT8 or FT4)
Phone Q's: 1 point; CW Q's: 2 points
Multipliers: WI stations: WI counties + states + provinces; Non-WI stations: WI counties
500 bonus points for each county operated from outside your home county, 12 QSO's minimum per county. 100 bonus points for working W9FK (the WARAC club call) for each band/mode.
Email to: wiqp-logs at or snail-mail to PO Box 511381, New Berlin, WI 53151
We want your log - preferably by email. We will accept handwritten logs but we will no longer accept
printed paper logs. If it's in a computer, please submit electronically (email). Submission deadline: March 29
Awards will be presented to the following: (* indicates plaque; otherwise certificate)
• *Highest Single Operator Fixed (SOF) score in Wisconsin
• *Highest Single Transmitter Mobile (SOM and MOM) score in Wisconsin
• *Highest Single Operator QRP score
• *Highest Single Operator VHF score in Wisconsin (50Mhz and above)
• *Highest aggregate club score (club member stations to be located within 50 miles of the club, ex-
cept for mobiles and portables)
• *Highest single operator score in the QSO Party outside Wisconsin
• 10 highest single operator scores in each entry category
• 5 highest single operator scores in QRP and VHF categories
• Highest multi-operator score in each entry category
• Highest single operator score in each single operator category in each state/province
• All Rookie category entries
Wisconsin QSO Party - 2020
kc9eeq - 2020-02-22 21:36 - (5952 Reads)Sunday, March 15, 2020
1:00pm - 8:00pm CST
Everyone works Wisconsin; Wisconsin works everyone. Everyone has Fun!
Click here for Details!.
Download PDF file or click on thumbnails below.