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Dayton 2005 Attendance Increased!

John Flanagan - 2005-06-12 03:00 - (14403 Reads)
FM38 was well represented at the 2005 Dayton Hamfest (author included). The weather was great and everyone had a good time!

N9DII brought to my attention that according to an ARRL article posted June 10, Dayton Hamvention attendance was up by 542 over last year. The article cited a total attendance of 20,411 as compared to 19,869 in 2004. This is rather surprising given all the talk about the declining number of licensed amateur radio stations.


John Flanagan - 2005-01-27 01:33 - (7245 Reads)
Tri-County Amateur Radio Club presents HAMFEST 2005

Sunday, March 20
Jefferson County Fairgrounds
Activity Center
Hwy 18 West, Jefferson, WI

From 8:00 AM until 1:00 PM