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New Repeater!!!

n9deg - 2024-03-16 22:14 - (1137 Reads)
New FM38 linked repeater is on the air!!
Welcome Janesville to the FM38 network. The frequency is 443.625 Tone 123.0
If that seems somewhat familiar it's because it's also the frequency for our Oshkosh repeater. If you have that saved in a memory channel already than you're done 🙂
Looking for people to test it in the Janesville/Beloit/Edgerton area and see how it works. For those keeping score this is repeater #20 for the network. Many thanks to the folks that help install, maintain and donate time and funds to this endeavor.
73 - FM38

Allenton - Update 11-Jan-2024. System Outage 9-Jan-2024

n9deg - 2024-01-09 18:29 - (1565 Reads)
Hey, great news. It was reported this morning that Allenton was back on air reconnecting Allenton, Baraboo, Ripon and Oshkosh, Fond du lac, Plymouth and Green Bay.
We are not sure what happed as no site visit was performed. Perhaps ice on the antenna that finally broke loose. Lets see what this next storm brings.

Sorry folks, the Allenton repeater went offline this morning for unknown reasons. Due to the system topography, Allenton being a 'Hub', this results in Allenton, Oshkosh, Baraboo and Ripon being offline. Fond du lac, Plymouth and Green Bay continue to operate locally, isolated from Milwaukee.
We will schedule a service call after the weather improves.

Hello Madison, Delafield??? Can you here me???

n9deg - 2023-04-07 14:01 - (2392 Reads)
Now you can. The Delafield repeater is back online and this means Madison is re-linked to the system as well.

Good news, no equipment loss, just 3 blown fuses on the AC side of power.

Happy Transmitting!

Hello Madison, Delafield??? Can you here me???

n9deg - 2023-04-03 09:36 - (2507 Reads)
Unfortunately, our Delafield repeater experienced a failure on 2-April. With this failure, Delafield and Madison are disconnected from the FM38 system. We think it is a power supply and will require a service call to diagnose and repair. This will take some time to schedule.

Hope to have you folks back on the system soon.

the FM38 team.

26-Feb-2023 South Receive Site is Down

n9deg - 2023-02-26 18:29 - (27463 Reads)
The receive site south of Milwaukee is currently down. We hope to address the issue at the end of the week.

In and around Kenosha, portable stations will be noisy and mobiles will need to run high power.

12/25/2022 FM38 Site Outage: Green Bay and Lake Geneva

n9deg - 2022-11-05 20:11 - (365687 Reads)
It seems we are having some trouble at a couple of sites with this cold weather. The Green Bay and Lake Geneva repeaters are currently down.

Due to experience, we expect Green Bay to come online once the temperature rises above single digits,

We are unsure of the issue with the Lake Geneva site, it has lost transmit audio. We are hoping it is also temperature related as well.


Allenton Repeater Repaired

KD9BWB - 2020-11-11 09:29 - (15546 Reads)
The Allenton site was restored 11/10/20 by N9GMT, N9FBF, & KD9BWB. The FM38 network is now restored, with Barabooo, Ripon, and Oshkosh fully operational.

Allstar Link (#2495), IRLP (#4606) and Echolink (#467140)

Bob Schmidt - 2009-10-27 01:24 - (64725 Reads)
FM38 announces the availability of all three popular VOIP technologies,
Allstar Link (#2495), IRLP (#4606) and Echolink (#467140). As far as we
know, we are the first repeater in Wisconsin to offer all three full-time.

Normally, the FM38 network is parked on the IRLP Wisconsin Reflector
Channel 4 (#9624), where we are joined by other Wisconsin repeaters
periodically for nets like the Wednesday evening 145.130 swap-net.

System Update

Emil Devcic - 2009-05-28 09:51 - (56618 Reads)
Due to the tower replacement scheduled for the F2 Allenton system we have been without the use of a receive antenna to hear our northern systems.
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