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TechNet Thursday 30-March Replaced by FM38 Q&A

n9deg - 2023-03-26 14:08 - (2085 Reads)
As Dennis (KD9BWB) is on firefighter training (or something similar) this Thursday he won't be doing the tech net. Emil (N9FBF) will keep the slot alive by doing a 38 Q&A session. We did one quite a while ago and should probably do them more often in reality. Soooo here we go...

Tune in this Thursday March 30th at 8PM for a FM38 Q&A session. A little history of how FM38 came to be, folks that were involved along the way and a general overview of the network as it exists today. Much of the net will be allocated to questions from folks regarding any and all aspects of the system. So grab you popcorn and tune in this Thursday!

FM38 Tech Net 2/25/21

KD9BWB - 2021-02-25 19:26 - (5628 Reads)
Tonights topic is DC power, we will discuss power supplies, dc distrubution and power connectors.


FM38 Tech Net January 28 2021

KD9BWB - 2021-01-28 14:37 - (21015 Reads)
Join us tonight at 9pm for another FM 38 Tech Net. Tonight's topic is longevity, What is your longest lasting radio install, or project. What are some of your tips and tricks for making your radio projects stand the test of time?


FM38 Tech Net 1/21/20

KD9BWB - 2021-01-21 18:58 - (25533 Reads)
Join us tonight for another FM38 Tech Net at 9pm. Tonights topic is Moving your Hamshack, and Apartment/Small Space Operations.

FM38 Tech Net New Years Eve Special !

KD9BWB - 2020-12-31 14:52 - (4373 Reads)
Join us tonight for another special tech net at 9pm. The topic is: What is your Amateur Radio resolution for 2020? Technical topics will return next week.

FM38 Tech Net December 10 2020

KD9BWB - 2020-12-10 15:37 - (24990 Reads)
Join us tonight for another FM38 Tech Net at 9pm central time. Tonight's topic is:

Cross-Over Skills

What have you learned in Amateur Radio that has transferred to other areas of your life, other hobbies or work. And conversely what skills other than electronics have helped you in your pursuit of Amateur Radio.



FM38 Tech Net December 3 2020

KD9BWB - 2020-12-03 15:35 - (23413 Reads)
Join us tonight at 9pm for another FM38 Tech Net, the topic will be " What is one piece of equipment that could dramatically improve your operating conditions, mobile, portable, or base!"
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