45th Annual Midwinter Swapfest
kc9eeq - 2017-01-03 00:18 - (5861 Reads)
Saturday, January 7, 2017
8:00am - 1:00pm
Waukesha County Expo Center Arena
1000 Northview Rd (County Trunk FT)
Waukesha, Wisconsin
(GPS: Lat.:43.03304 Lon: -88.24207)
Tickets - $5.00 Advance - $6.00 at the door
I-94 west of Milwaukee to Exit 294 (County J)
1.2 miles south to County FT
0.6 miles west to Expo Arena
Saturday, January 7, 2017
8:00am - 1:00pm
Waukesha County Expo Center Arena
1000 Northview Rd (County Trunk FT)
Waukesha, Wisconsin
(GPS: Lat.:43.03304 Lon: -88.24207)
Tickets - $5.00 Advance - $6.00 at the door
I-94 west of Milwaukee to Exit 294 (County J)
1.2 miles south to County FT
0.6 miles west to Expo Arena
For table information or tickets, contact: Steve Dryja, NO9B, 262.993.9470
Mail ticket orders to: (Please include SASE)
WARAC Swapfest
P. O. Box 1072
Milwaukee, WI 53201
See Flyer for more information and Table Reservation Form.
Amateur Exams:
Fox River Room, Expo Arena Building, Door 12 (South side) — 9:00AM to 11:15AM